Yesterday, while fervently racing against looming deadlines in the busy year-end days, a message popped up on my phone. That familiar name appeared on the screen again, brimming with infectious enthusiasm and a spirit of exploration:
- “Hey, I just realised something incredibly interesting: whenever I focus on learning something, it just feels like the world around me suddenly makes sense, or some problems I couldn’t solve for a while just reveal the answers themselves. It’s truly magical!”
This young girl always knows how to make me chuckle with her messages. However, this time, she noticed something that I also resonate with. I have always emphasised the importance of learning, not just acquiring knowledge but also experiencing life. For me, the essential skills to triumph in life always revolve around the act of LEARNING!
However, learning from where and learning what in order to successfully conquer everything? For me, there are three things revolving around the notion of learning that enable you to triumph over every moment or challenge in life, which are:
1/ Proactive learning in every situation,
2/ Purposeful learning with clear intent,
3/ Learning alongside everyone we encounter.
In the past, I used to think that learning was only reserved for us when sitting in the classrooms, lecture halls at universities, or at best, in the workplace. However, as I delved deeper into life experiences, I came to realise: Anyone we meet, any situation that unfolds, always harbours a valuable lesson for us!
A child or an elderly person both have something for us to learn from. A young, healthy, successful or unsuccessful person can contribute even more to our learning. Children have an innate peace without needing to actively seek it; the elderly have life experiences, and by carefully listening to their stories, you might swiftly navigate through your own issues. Young, successful individuals, or even those facing failure, all bring a kaleidoscope of perspectives that help you mature, understand stories, and live more profoundly with your own life.
Like the girl at the beginning of the story, she said that when she focuses on learning something, magically, certain things seem to resolve themselves. Her message also reminded me of some incidents from the past.
Some years ago, I had the opportunity to converse with a child living in a remote mountainous region – a place still grappling with numerous challenges in my homeland, Vietnam. This young student, despite just entering elementary school, possessed a maturity far beyond her years. At that time, I inquired her:
“Aren’t you tired, walking so far to school every day?”
“Yes, ma’am. But learning to read makes me feel really happy,” she responded politely.
“What about rainy days? Do you still go to school?”
“Yes, I do. If it’s just a light rain, I go. If it’s heavy, I stay home and study.”
“With so little warm clothing, how do you manage in the cold?”
“I have a warm jacket for school and that’s enough, because a few years ago I didn’t even have that.”
“Your house is crowded with siblings; do your parents manage to take care of you all?”
“Having my parents is enough to make me happy, because some of my friends don’t even have parents to take care of them like I do.”
On another occasion, I witnessed the cancer treatment process of an acquaintance. They were nearly 70 years old, and every week, they would take the bus to the hospital for health check-ups and updates on their treatment plan. They insisted on using public transportation, not wanting to inconvenience anyone, stating that unless absolutely necessary, their situation should not impact others. Every time, they always carried a book with them to read while waiting for the bus. In their daily life, they also enjoyed listening to YouTube or podcasts to stay updated on positive perspectives from younger generations and the changing world around them. Despite occasional intense pain, they remained optimistic and embraced life.
Moreover, on weekends, if their health allowed, they would buy some pastries and visit an orphanage or nursing home nearby to chat with the residents. They shared, “I may be ‘Worn but not broken,’ and as long as I can, I’ll keep going and keep doing because I’m still more fortunate than those over there. I don’t know how much longer I’ll live on this earth, but as long as I can breathe, I want to live well with my life!”
How do you perceive the two stories of the two people I shared above?
What do they have in common, do you recognise it?
That is right, it is the spirit of optimism and a clear awareness of what one already “possesses.” With all the innocence of a newly sprouted seedling and the life experience of a decades-old tree on the verge of returning to the ancient forest, both people offer us a lesson: Feeling “enough” leads to enduring happiness, completeness, and joy; excessive desire tends to lead to unhappiness.
This serves as an example of “Learning from everyone and every situation we encounter” and “Learning proactively.” Choosing to “Learn with a purpose” means selecting what you believe will be useful to your life and learning from it.
Purposeful learning helps you eliminate external clutter and vagueness. It leaves room to be filled with things that are correct, suitable, and necessary.
Proactive learning enables you to have more control over your life as much as possible, minimising unforeseen risks. Being proactive allows you to be more open to everything that happens and handle them more efficiently.
The story of these two characters always reminds me during challenging times that I can always overcome them by recalling what these two have said to me. Some issues in my life are resolved by looking at their story or some teachers, some people I have met, or some of my clients.
I always want to find as many opportunities to learn as I can. I do not hesitate to participate in various classes, as long as it supports me in many tasks. I do not mind sacrificing some sleep to meet deadlines and assimilate new knowledge I have just learned from my classes. Additionally, I look at others to gain more experience for myself.
For me:
Acquiring knowledge is crucial for our future, while learning how to conduct ourselves is essential for a more resilient life. Learning serves to elevate the “height” of our intellect and the depth of our soul.
I am also aware that:
Everything in this world seems to be interconnected in a magical way. It appears that everything comes to us as if in mutual support and reinforcement, and we ourselves are the managers; only when we delve deeply into learning, acquiring sufficient knowledge, can we excel in this role.
In summary, a vital skill to ensure you are never “losing” is to proactively recognise the lessons sent your way and learn from them thoroughly! There is no failure if we understand that every outcome is an experience, an exploration, and a profound lesson that aids our continuous growth and conquest of higher journeys. I hope you always have the insight to perceive challenges and maintain the enthusiasm in your heart. Keep up the good work!
Much love,
Truly Inspired
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Much love,
Truly Inspired.
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