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Do you want to be
The BEST Version of
in the FUTURE ?

The Best Version Of Yourself In The Future

I would like to dedicate this special article to anyone that has a special chance to connect with it, especially the ones who are currently struggling and coping with the harshness of life and the decisions that it forces you to make.


My dear love,

The question above is something I have been repeating countlessly not only for myself, for my Coachees, but also for every single person I have had a chance to talk to and listen to them opening up about their own life issues and challenges.

Let me tell you a small story right below regarding this special question.

At the first glance, the question appears to be very simple; but because of the exact same question I have asked you, I have been the “target point” of those scandalous lashing and tirades that people coerced and forced onto me.

They assumed that I have a magical power to “brainwash” other people, because ever since I ask someone this same question, they all show positive signs of changes and transformations from within themselves. And when someone starts to change themselves, they become less and less compatible with the people around them at that very moment. As a matter of fact, those people that are less altruistic will turn to disagree with my own philosophy and strategy, and they perhaps will be more willing to cast their affronts and offenses on me.

So, the question is, do I actually have the “magical” ability to brainwash someone?

When being confronted with questions like this, I normally would choose to make no comments since I don’t want to waste the treasured time of my life to explain the prejudices that people unintentionally (or intentionally, who knows) force onto me.

I understand that I have a very clear sense of the imperfection of myself, and I have been working tirelessly on learning how to respect other people’s philosophy and lifestyles that are different from mine. Each of us, regardless of our age, all has our own emotional development pace that we cultivate through our interactions with the environment, with the other people, and with the relationships we have throughout our life. And from that, we develop our own senses of philosophy, perspectives and identities that can hardly be “brainwashed”.

I feel thankful for everything I have been through in my life, since they give me great opportunities to figure out who I really am, what I need to do, where I should go to, how to tackle the for-and-against comments from people around me, and most importantly, how to live a life that I have always dreamed of.

I understand deeply that in order to become the best version of ourselves, we need to have our own principles in life. Without those principles, we cannot demand others to validate or respect our values as a person.

Just to give you a simple example:

If I were not a studious inquirer myself who had good disciplines and principles for her own growth, then how could I ever have enough confidence and potential to help the other Coachees of mine to change and have a better life? They would eventually leave me when they felt that my values were not at the same level, or even lower, than their own values, wouldn’t they?

Because of that, I would be more than happy to help others conquer their beasts with confidence and power. Every day, I still have to witness so many life passing through my eyes that are filled with pain, damages and wounds from the past, just like a sluggish swamp that they have fallen into without knowing how to swim out of it:

  • The married couples who are facing the dilemma of a divorce because of conflicts in financial and life viewpoints.
  • The youngsters who are carrying the burden of peer-pressure and responsibilities 
  • that they cannot open up with anyone.
  • The grownups who are experiencing the severe pain from emotional breakdowns and unsuccessful social and financial life.
  • The ones who are drowned by inner emotional crises but fail to find someone to lend them a hand.

Oh, my love for them is immeasurable!

With my experience, I hope that I can fully assist you with finding a way to solve your own issues with ease and strength, and I will always be there by your side.

These are also the wishes and drives that motivate me to establish “Truly Inspired” – the place that I call home. At my home, there will always be someone to lend you an ear, to share stories with you, to accompany and to guide you through your hardships effortlessly and peacefully.

In the book “The Alchemist”, the author Paulo Coelho also stated that, “When you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it.” At this very moment that you have finally found this post, please don’t hesitate to reach out and connect with Truly Inspire right away.

With my legacy and dream to spread my love and support even further, especially for my beloved Vietnamese brothers and sisters who are currently living abroad and struggling with their financial life, Truly Inspired would like to provide you with a special gift – a 30% discount voucher on each Coaching session. Leave your information down below and our team will reach out to you within one working week.

With much love and hopes to once again reunite with you,

Truly Inspired

Connect with me

Allow me to know more about you.

Regardless of who and how old you are today, or the challenges and difficulties you are currently facing, please let me have a chance to lend you a hand and guide you step-by-step on the journey to become the best version of yourself.

Hold firmly onto my hand, and I will show you the greatest gift that God has given and hidden somewhere deep inside you!

With much love,

Truly Inspired.