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Who do you want to become when you grow up?


WHAT IF I FAIL MY GRADUATION EXAM? Have you ever felt afraid of failing your exams? When facing such an important exam season that can tremendously affect your whole student life and academic level, will you be nervous and worried? Honestly, I will also feel the same. However, my nervousness

Teenagers – Is there really a true friendship?

Teenagers – Is there really a true friendship? At some points in my life, I swiftly recall the memories of my student life years where my friends and I were having fun riding around on bicycles, playing shuttlecock or studying together, and even the times where we were mad at

Overcoming The Fear Of Body Shaming

“You are too fat to wear dresses!” “That guy is weirdly boney. He should be eating more food or else he would look like a walking skeleton.” “Her skin tone is too dark. It kinda made me feel uncomfortable looking at her.” Have you ever been in situations where you